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About the Artist: 

Jessica Jones (MA, University Montana) is full-time faculty at Kent State University at Stark, where she teaches poetry, Native American Literature and composition courses that focus on social justice. She has also taught on the Flathead Indian Reservation in Montana and serves on the board for the University of Montana Upward Bound.  Her poetry and essays have appeared in numerous journals and anthologies and her book, Bitterroot (2018) can be found at Finishing Line Press.

Open AIR and Philipsburg Arts Fund Artist-Led Workshop at the Philipsburg Library

Taught by Artist-in-Residence Jessica Jones


Place: Philipsburg Public Library

106 W Broadway St

Philipsburg, MT 59858

Workshop #1

How to Tell a Story


When: Wednesday, July 10, 5:30-7 pm


About the workshop: In this 90-minute workshop, participants will learn about the elements of telling a good story: plot, setting, dialogue... and how to build suspense, pathos and intrigue! We will read a few samples of place-based story poems, including Richard Hugo's famous piece, "Degrees of Gray in Philipsburg." Then, attendees will select a prompt and try their hand at writing about their own stories, memories or traditions in Philipsburg.  All will be invited to upload their contributions to the community poem website, "Dear Philipsburg."

Audience: This workshop is suitable for ages 16+. 

What to bring: Everything you need will be provided, but you are welcome to bring your favorite notebook or writing tool.

Workshop #2

Story Booth & Community Poem


When:  Tuesday, July 23, 5:30-7 pm


About the workshop: In this 90 minute workshop, participants will learn about the elements of narrative poetry. We will read a few samples, including Jennifer Finley's poem, "Arlee," Maggie Anderson's "Country Wisdoms," and Joanne Lehman's "I was the Wagon Hitcher."  Attendees will select a prompt and try their hand at writing their own piece, then are welcome to come to the author's "Story Booth" to receive one-on-one feedback.  Afterward, all will be invited to revise and upload their creative expressions to the community poem website, "Dear Philipsburg."

Audience: This workshop is suitable for ages 16+. 

What to bring: Everything you need will be provided, but you are welcome to bring your favorite notebook or writing tool.

Workshop #3

Children’s Workshop: Community Poem, “I am From” 


When: Thursday, Aug 1, 3:30-4:30 pm


About the workshop: Calling all young creators!  This workshop is for kids who love hands-on creative experiences. Visiting Writer Jessica Jones will be gathering with the kids of Philipsburg to read and write poems about home.  First, we'll look at examples of famous poems such as "Home," by Salish author Jennifer Finley, and "Where I'm from," by southern writer George Ella Lyon.  Then, we'll try collaborating to compose a group poem with lines from every child on their experiences of their hometown. Our final product will be show-cased on the "Dear Philipsburg" community poem website!

What to bring: Everything you need will be provided, but you are welcome to bring your favorite notebook or writing tool.

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