With backwoods Vermont origins and a job resume stretching from the Alaskan wilderness to a Mexican sailing ship, Ben Larson developed his storyteller ways over years of hitchhiking and wandering from Australia to Newfoundland and a thousand places in between. He finally settled into the small historic mining town of Philipsburg, MT, where he built a homestead for himself and his public school teacher wife. He alternates his days between carpentry and weaving his observations into gruff newspaper columns and eclectic, yet deeply poetic country songs. Going beyond the cliches of cowboys, hippies and traveling troubadours, Ben tells the stories of his family and friends living in the modern rural west, anecdotes from a life on the road and words of wisdom compiled from years living outdoors and working with his hands.
His new solo album, the Carpenter and the Poet is available wherever music is streamed. This music event is being held at the private music venue that Ben has built to support Montana musicians and bring more music to his community.
Link to Ben’s latest single: Chopping Wood
Link to Ben’s Youtube channel
Link to Ben’s Spotify Profile